First 10 years in 400 words
from a vortex, Erick discovered information flows common to minds,
matter & machines. Changing course towards a Ph.D. in Quantum
Informatics, he designed an Intelligent Search Engine for
the Connection Machine in '84. Linda added an agent-based
interface with interactive animated graphics in '85. So
armed, they approached vast storehouses of data, only to find them secured
behind crystalline walls. Breaking through, they distributed the data in
'88, fulfilling an Oracle's client/server prophecy.
'89, with the search engine speaking SQL, the two rejoiced
by diving into the virtual reality of interface as immersion. Planning
only to play games, they discovered the power of multimedia storytelling
with virtual worlds and in 1990 prototyped the IN-vironment,
a reconfigurable spaceframe visually themed to support immersive group
experiences, facilitate workgroup computing and house a full
array of multimedia equipment.
the IN-vironment as a time-space portal & with the colloboration
of ComputerXperts, they produced "Lost in VR", a philosophical
group exploration using video, computers, & Mindwaves - sensory
effects inducing group states of alertness, creativity, recepitivity
& euphoria.
these technologies to the world of business in '92, the Infomaniacs
liberated the flow of information between presenter & audience by
crafting unique mythologies and virtual worlds to tell each client's
story. Clients marketing with these Presentations as Adventures have
been consistently victorious. In '93 the Infomaniacs launched Transmedia
Voyages, experiental workshops where participants unleash the
true potential of multimedia by creating their own adventures.
back in the lab, they produced the pilot for "Science Theater"
as an experiment. Educators declared: "a mind boggling, multimedia
journey into the mind of the scientist - the audience experienced
thinking as a scientist through this creative, conceptual exploration."
Corporate sponsors are supporting its evolution. Vendors are contributing
key technologies for the transformation of the IN-vironment into the CyberSpaceShip,
outfitting it with 3D projection & sound, chord keyboards, bio-sensors,
MIDI environmental effects & more. Powerdigms will transport
the ship on perpetually novel voyages into the PSI channel.
10 years Erick & Linda have been un*forming and re*forming data, media,
communications & philosophies. Clients say the results continue to
be startling, exciting, impressive & profitable. The Infomaniacs deliver
all this and more - through design, r&d, seminars, videos, infrastructuring,
licensing & production.
clients, colloborators, sponsors & vendors are invited to join future
voyages through the vortex into the constantly morphing infinite-dimensional
realm of...