Next Big Thing 2002
Fabrics and Grids
Grid and Computing Fabrics
in all, a Computing Fabric can be thought of as Grid architecture
applied across a variety of levels of scale (from a network on
a chip to global networks) and offering greater configurability.
Network |
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Network LAN |
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System |
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Grid Gotchas
Von Schweber's inline comments on Peter Coffee's excellent analysis
of The
Paradox of Grid Computing.
Services Grid Workshop
A collection of groups including the Object Management Group,
World Wide Web Consortium, and the Global Grid Forum recently
held the "Software Services Grid Workshop" in Boston.
This event was organized by Erick Von Schweber and Bob Marcus.
Global Grid Forum 2001
a Model Driven Semantic Web"
Erick's presentation (in his position as CTO of Cacheon
Inc.) to the Global Grid Forum summarizing and extending the findings
of the Software Services Grid Workshop.
January 7, 2002 Rob
Described the Infomaniacs' 1998 Computing Fabrics article
as "prescient"
Declared Grid Computing as The Next Big Thing
Decided"Fabric? Grid? The only difference is the density
of the weave

between The Grid and Computing Fabrics
a Computing Fabric denotes an architectural pattern applicable
at multiple levels of scale, from global networks to networks
on a chip (which are beginning to appear) whereas the Grid is
an architecture specifically applied to campus through global
networks (a consequence is that a Computing Fabric may be denser
than a Grid as Rob noted),
a Computing Fabric admits to irregularity, where some regions
of connected nodes may be very closely coupled and present a strong
single system image while other regions may be very loosely coupled
letting distribution concerns show through (the Grid by comparison
is uniform), and finally
a Computing Fabric is dynamically reconfigurable and fluid whereas
a Grid may be rigid or require periods of downtime for repair,
upgrade, or reconfiguration.
in all, a Computing Fabric can be thought of as Grid architecture
applied across a variety of levels of scale and offering greater
Erick Von Schweber
(C) Copyright Infomaniacs 2002. All Rights Reserved.
January 15, 2002
between The Grid and Computing Fabrics
interesting that, not a whole long time after the 1998 cover
story, SGI found their collaboration with Microsoft to be stalling,
and began seeding Linux with several of their proprietary "fabric-like"
technologies. Globus, Legion, and related open source efforts
have certainly moved ahead with a speed that makes commercial
efforts seem tortoise-like by comparison.
links between the Grid and Computing Fabrics go back to the
beginning - the Grid Forum (now Global Grid Forum) began with
a Birds of a Feather session at SC98 immediately preceding our
Computing Fabrics BOF in the very same room.
Von Schweber
In response to
Open Source Is the Loom for Fabrics
By Rob Fixmer.
January 7, 2002
we've quoted Peter's excellent analysis of the Grid Paradox in
whole and embedded Erick Von Schweber's remarks based on several
of Peter's points.
Response: Grid Gotchas
aviators warn novice pilots, "the problem with a multiengine
airplane is that sometimes you need them all." During takeoff,
for example, failure of even a single engine is a high-risk
situation—but with more engines, there is a greater chance of
at least one failure.
computing systems, such as grid computing, involve a similar
paradox: The more resources the system has, the greater the
number of points where the system can fail or degrade—and the
harder the task of ensuring adequate performance in all situations,
without unacceptable overhead.
computing grid faces four new tasks, in addition to whatever
problems it was built to solve. The grid must discover and allocate
available resources as their availability comes and goes; it
must protect long-distance interactions against intrusion, interception
and disruption; it must monitor network status; and it must
initiate and manage communications among the processing nodes
to make each one's needs known to the others. There is no single
optimal approach to any of these tasks but rather a family of
possible solutions that match up with different types of problems.
in communication between widely separated nodes fall into two
groups. Fundamental is the speed-of-light limit: A node at one
location cannot possibly become aware of a change in state at
another location in less than the straight-line, speed-of-light
propagation time of almost exactly 1 nanosecond per foot of
sounds good until it's compared, for example, with modern local
memory access times of, at most, a few tens of nanoseconds.
Tightly coupled applications, such as simulation or process
control, are therefore disadvantaged in distributed environments
"until science discovers a method of communication that is not
limited by the speed of light," as Aerospace Corp. scientists
Craig Lee and James Stepanek wrote in their paper published
in April 2001 (which can be accessed via www.eweek.com/links)."
I had a dinner conversation with Greg Chesson a couple of years
ago where we extrapolated one of the then recent results in experimental
physics where a quantum superposition of states was maintained
in the laboratory over a distance of 100 meters If one could harness
and refine the techniques, we argued, and apply them to interprocessor
communication then it would be possible - theoretically - to achieve
instantaneous cache coherency across a very large multiprocessor
system indeed (the heat dissipation problem would also rear its
ugly head if one were to concentrate so many heat sources).
are problem decomposition techniques that aren't as badly handicapped
by the speed of light: for example, Monte Carlo simulation, or
the kind of data parceling strategies made famous by the SETI@Home
project, which distributes sets of radio telescope data for intelligent-life
detection by screen saver software. When problems lend themselves
to this approach, they often don't need frequent synchronization
and therefore aren't severely hampered by distance."
Another way of dealing with latency is to apply the techniques
used in advanced ccNUMA architectures, specifically by migrating
processes and replicating cache lines so as to achieve greater
locality of reference. This notion, dynamically creating non-uniformity
to better support the application work load, is
one of the characteristics that distinguishes a Computing Fabric
from a computational grid.
does affect the latter class of problem, though, is the limited
bandwidth of networks and network interfaces. Plotting recent
progress, Lee and Stepanek in the paper cited earlier find network
access bandwidth, as determined by available interface cards,
doubling every 2.5 years, ominously lagging the 1.5-year doubling
time of processor performance, assuming continued Moore's Law
improvement-which many project as likely through 2010."
At a distributed computing conference in San Fran last year Craig
and I spoke (along with Dennis Gannon) and with photonics this
disparity may be reversing, creating pipes that contemporary architectures
may be unable to saturate except with "very" big block transfers.
processor speed outpacing the ability of interface cards to send
and receive to the grid, it follows that some processing power
will be best employed in boosting information content per bit:
for example, by continuing the refinement of data compression
algorithms using techniques such as the wavelet transforms in
the JPEG 2000 standard."
At the same distributed computing conference there were several
related presentations that applied Rich Wolsky's Network Weather
Service to the task of guiding the selection compression and streaming
protocols for distributing a Java class.
compression developments such as these are offset, however-perhaps
to devastating effect-by the growth of data overhead entailed
in the use of XML syntax to make data more self-disclosing than
it is in application-specific binary data structures. There's
a difficult tradeoff to be made between ad hoc availability of
data for unanticipated uses and efficient, cost-effective packaging
of data."
Now that's a sore point you've touched on. Back at SC2000 in Dallas
a paper was presented comparing SOAP with Java RMI (no speed demon
itself). The result: SOAP required an order of magnitude more
bandwidth than RMI and expanded the delivery latency by an order
of magnitude. They suggested a form of protocol negotiation, beginning
with SOAP (for greater likelihood of compatibility with a target
remote system) and then using SOAP to negotiate advancing to a
more efficient protocol to conduct the real work. Guided by Network
Weather Service this could be a real boon.
to say, a great deal of processing power may also be consumed
by the calculations needed to implement data integrity and security
measures, such as encryption for authentication of messages
sent and received. Grid computing, in an open environment such
as an IP network, invites both attempts to read the mail between
the nodes and to analyze the patterns of traffic for what they
might reveal about concentrations of valuable information.
network and computer are the same, it follows that the network-an
inherently exposed asset-is increasingly the locus of IT value.
Enterprise IT architects and service providers will have to
learn to protect it without crippling its hoped-for performance
What we need, in my estimation, is security that can be turned
on and off at a variety of levels of scale in the application,
according to where it is (security context) at any particular
time and what it's being asked to do. And this must be done as
a fully separated concern, not mingled with other aspects of an
By Erick
Von Schweber
(C) Copyright Infomaniacs 2002. All Rights Reserved.
January 15, 2002