Thinktank Research Agendas




Database Projects 


6th Generation IT

Education Projects



 6th Generation Information Technology Research Projects



    Databases, knowledge bases, and media sources are exploding in size and number, becoming more varied and more complex, while access through the web and intranets have introduced huge numbers of new users with an enormous diversity of backgrounds and skills. With such a wealth of knowledge available to so many, the question is not simply "How can each of us find what we are looking for?" but the larger issue of "How can we fully exploit the growing human knowledge base across all the facets of our life?" or in more theoretical terms "How should human reality interface with digital reality?". The Coherence Project will approach these questions and issues by exploring how memory systems can be augmented so that they inherently educate each user about their structure and content as relevant to that user's ongoing needs and perspectives.

Object Based Semantic Networks

    This project will construct a new data/knowledge representation formalism to achieve the strengths of both relational data modeling and AI knowledge representation systems without their weaknesses. Object/relational concepts and technology will be used in the construction. The strengths and weaknesses of each formalism are summarized below.  
    • Relational Data Modeling:
      • Strengths - Entities and relationships are represented identically by tuples (rows). Implicit relationships, represented by values, can be made explicit through operations.
      • Weaknesses - Data and metadata (the data that describes the data) are separated by design, tools, user groups, and volatility. Support for inheritance and exceptions is insufficient, clumsy, and wrought with data integrity and redundancy problems.
    • Knowledge Representation by Semantic Networks and Frames:
      • Strengths - Data and metadata are integrated, uniformly represented and accessed. Inheritance and exceptions are strongly supported with integrity and without redundancy.
      • Weaknesses - Entities and relationships are represented differently. Explicit relationships are represented by links between nodes (nodes represent entities). Implicit relationships are handled ad hoc through deamons.
    • Object Based Semantic Networks:
      • Strengths - Entities and relationships are represented identically. Implicit relationships, represented by values, can be made explicit through operations. Data and metadata are integrated, uniformly represented and accessed. Inheritance and exceptions are strongly supported with integrity and without redundancy.

      • Weaknesses - To be determined.

Quantum Informatics

    Basic research into to the quantum mechanical behavior of information systems, including minds, brains, and machines. 

By Linda Von Schweber
& Erick Von Schweber

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Updated January 22, 2002